After my afternoon rest in bed, as per request by my body, I decided to get out to see the world again...
Before I took off, I did a google search on the topic of zen kinda thing and meditation...
After I read through some of the sites, I said to myself... how does anything have to do with me... 干卿底事(the more elegant way of putting it) or, as what ratprincess might say, 干我屁事 (oops... I have sinned.)
Nothing offensive to anything or anyone...
It is just... all that I want is to live like a human being or more like it.
At some point, I started singing this song..
Then, I thought of the lyrics...
既然不是仙 難免有雜念
And, I said to myself... let's find some 雜念 to think of...
So I tried very hard to think of 雜念...
But however hard I tried, somehow, I just could 雜念 not find... to the extend that... at a certain point, even the auditory hallucinations disappeared... 8-O (and, could it be that this is the only way to get rid of my hallucinations--- just kept on focusing on looking for 雜念 till the hallucinations feel like Patsy when Arthur sings I am all alone? 8-O lol)
In any case, to be human, be human... so I red wine drank, ate some of my thermal nuclear piggy intestine, and smoked my cigarette...
Then, my mom called me and I told her to use skype... and somehow it just did not work.... and I got annoyed... and 雜念 I got and the unzen moment
你我皆凡人 生在人世間
終日奔波苦 一刻不得閑
既然不是仙 難免有雜念
道義放两旁 利字擺中間
多少男子漢 一怒為紅顏
多少同林鳥 已成分飛燕
人生何其短 何必苦苦戀
愛人不見了 向誰去喊冤
問你 何時曾看見
你我皆凡人 生在人世間
終日奔波苦 一刻不得閑
你既然不是仙 難免有杂念
道義放两旁 把利字擺中間
多少男子漢 一怒為紅顏
多少同林鳥 已成了分飛燕
人生何其短 何必苦苦戀
愛人不見了 向誰去喊冤
SOS --- Help needed to publish my four books
All four books are done and what I need to do is to get them published and
It's imposing far more stress than I can handle especially after m...
5 years ago
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